I have compiled here the different Weapons Special Rules available to Flying Lead characters in my Expanse universe. Most are drawn from the various Ganesha Games rulebooks (FL=Flying Lead, MDRG=Mutants and Death Ray Guns), some are of my own making (LW=homegrown). I have sometimes modified the rulebook special rules (sometimes just a name change) and indicate that by "mod".
Area Effect # (FL mod)
The weapon fires, an
explosive device with an area effect, up to 3 range bands away. A
weapon with both Area Effect # and Very Long Range can target anywhere
on the board, always rolling to hit as if at 2 range bands. The to hit
procedure and the effect are indicated on p.17 of the FL Rulebook. An Area Effect weapon can also choose to fire smoke-producing grenades or missiles (p.25).
Armour Piercing [#] (FL mod)
This weapon has an anti-tank value ranging from -4 to +8, used against vehicles with the Armoured special rule. Anti-tank weapons ignore Body Armour if it is less than their # value.
Crewed [#] (FL)
Such a weapon may be used by a dedicated Crew of up to #. A weapons crew can combine its Actions (see p. 8 FL Rulebook). The members of a weapon Crew are nominated before battle. Only characters with the Weapons Expert Special Rule may join a Crew during battle.
Deadly up Close (LW)
If it is fired at M range of less, the weapon gives a +1 modifier.
Fearful (LW)
The weapon inspires such dread that any character hit by it and neither Out of Action or Killed in Action must make an immediate Morale Check. The results of the Morale Check are carried out before the target Goes to Ground or is Shaken.
Flamethrower (FL)
A flamethrower can only fire out to its range, using a three-base wide template. Any model even partially within the template is hit. A flamethrower has an Armour Piercing 4 capability. A non vehicle target that is Shaken by a flamethrower hit is also On Fire. A model on fire, or an adjacent friend, must spend 2 Actions to put the flames out;a model still on fire at the end of the owning player's turn receives a C4 Free Hack.
Fire and Forget (LW)
The weapon does not need a line of sight to its target to fire at it. The target still receives modifiers for any cover it occupies. Targeting priority rules apply; this represents the detection capacities of the weapon.
Gauss (LW)
The weapon always modifies a Gone to Ground result to a Shaken result if the target has the Robot Special Rule.
Heavy (LW)
At least 2 Crew are required to transport the weapon, and their move rate is reduced to Short unless at least one of them has the Strong Special Rule.
High Rate of Fire [#] (FL mod)
Each time a character armed with this weapon fires, he can make # attacks. If the ability is used, the shot cannot be Aimed. Each attack is resolved before the next one is declared. On the Nth shot, the weapon is Out of Ammo on a roll less or equal to N (but only a 1 creates a risk of jamming). Attacks may be made against the same or a different target, but targeting priority rules must be respected if the initial target is still in line of sight. There is a -1 modifier if the target is more than Short distance from the previous target, -2 if more than Medium and -3 if more than Long. The maximum distance between targets is 2x Long.
Limited Range (FL mod)
The weapon cannot be fired over 3 x its Range band.
Move and Shoot (FL)
Characters armed with a Move and Shoot weapon can move and shoot as one Action. Shooting suffers a -1 penalty and must take place at the beginning or the end of the Action. If combined with High Rate of Fire, the # number is reduced by 1.
No Malfunction (LW)
The weapon cannot malfunction. A roll of 1 misses, but no further checks to the weapon are required.
Poison [#] (LW)
If the target is affected by a shot from this weapon, and after # turns has not changed status, the effect of the hit increases by one level (Gone to Ground -> Shaken -> Out of Action -> Killed in Action). Poison only works on targets with the Robot Special Rule if the weapon also has the Gauss Weapon Special Rule; and in this case, Poison does not work against non-Robot targets.
Range (FL mod)
This indicates the range band used by the weapon. Weapons that may only be used in hand-to-hand combat have CCW range. Such weapons can only benefit from Armour Piercing #, Fearful, Gauss, Lethal, Poison, Savage and Stun Only special rules.
Rapid Reload (LW)
A Rapid Reload weapon may be reloaded for 1 Action during a character's Activation, and fired a second or subsequent time during that Activation (or during the Crew's Activation, if the weapon is Crewed).
Savage (MRDG)
Any Out of Action result causes a morale check as if it was a Gory Death; any Killed in Action result is automatically a Gory Death.
Select Fire [#] (FL mod)
A Select Fire weapon may shoot as if it had High Rate of Fire [#], but if it does so, its range is reduced by one range band size.
Set Up [#] (LW)
The weapon requires # Actions to set up before being able to fire, if it is moved or fires outside a 180° arc.
Single Shot (FL)
This weapon, generally very powerful, can be fired only once per game.
Slow Reload [#] (FL)
Weapons are normally reloaded automatically after firing. A Slow Reload weapon requires # Actions to reload before it can fire again.
Sniper Scope (FL)
An advanced target acquisition system gives +1 to the firer's Combat Value, but only when taking an Aimed Shot.
Spread (FL mod)
When fired the weapon hits not only the target, but also any other characters, including friends, within two base widths of it. The firer uses one die roll, but each target rolls its own die and applies any appropriate modifiers to the firer's roll.
Stable (LW)
A Stable weapon does not suffer the -1 modifier when its Move and Shoot capacity is used.
Stun Only (FL mod)
The weapon cannot score any combat result better than Shaken, but all Gone to Ground results are changed to Shaken if the attacker rolled a '6'.
Towed Only (LW)
The weapon can only be displaced by a vehicle. Not even a character with the Strong Special Rule can move it.
Very Long Range (LW)
The weapon never suffers any modifiers due to range.
Text file to be loaded into the Ganesha Games Flying Lead Weapon Builder in order to create additional weapons (Edit Special Rules / Load / Replace Special Rules). Before creating additional weapons, also load up The Expanse Arsenal.
Area Effect 3;6;
Area Effect 4;9;
Area Effect 5;13;
Armour Piercing -4;2;
Armour Piercing 0;3;
Armour Piercing 1;4;
Armour Piercing 2;6;
Armour Piercing 3;9;
Armour Piercing 4;12;
Armour Piercing 5;15;
Armour Piercing 6;20;
Armour Piercing 7;25;
Armour Piercing 8;30;
Combat +0;0;
Combat +1;5;
Combat +2;10;
Combat +3;15;
Combat +4;20;
Crewed 2;5;
Crewed 3;8;
Crewed 4;12;
Deadly Up Close;1;
Fire and Forget;5;
High Rate of Fire 2;6;
High Rate of Fire 3;8;
High Rate of Fire 4;12;
Limited Range;-2;
Move and Shoot;5;
No Malfunction;2;
Poison 1;20;
Poison 2;10;
Poison 3;5;
Poison 4;2;
Range: Long;7;
Range: Medium;3;
Range: Short;1;
Range: CCW;0;
Rapid Reload;10;
Select Fire 2;4;
Select Fire 3;6;
Select Fire 4;10;
Set Up 3;-1;
Set Up 4;-2;
Single Shot;-4;
Slow Reload 1;-1;
Slow Reload 2;-2;
Slow Reload 3;-4;
Sniper Scope;3;
Stun Only;-1;
Towed Only;-2;
Very Long Range;6;
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