I have compiled here the different Special Rules available to Flying Lead characters in my Expanse universe. Most are drawn from the various Ganesha Games rulebooks (FL=Flying Lead, MDRG=Mutants and Death Ray Guns), some are of my own making (LW=homegrown). I have sometimes modified the rulebook special rules (sometimes just a name change) and indicate that by "mod".
Characters may benefit from Special Rules due to their inherent capacities, their training, or specialised equipment they carry.
Acrobat (FL)
An acrobat will have +1 on Q rolls when testing for falling damage and Climbing. Firers targetting an Acrobat will do so at -1.
Assassin (FL mod)
Any Aimed Blow, or any Aimed Shot at a range of L or less, from an Assassin is Lethal to the target (p. 22 FL Rulebook).
Body Armour [#] (FL mod)
Firers targetting a character wearing Body Armour will do so at -#. The Body Armour modifier is not, however, cumulative with either cover or being prone. # can vary from 1 (light body armour) to 4 (heavy combat suit)
Camouflage (FL mod)
A character benefitting from camouflage, or who is trained in stealth techniques, always benefits from the Ambush bonus for Ranged Combat as long as their first action is used to shoot, unless their target has Danger Sense.
The character counts as a hidden target (-3) if the enemy is firing from at more than 2 x L, if the character is in cover, and did not shoot during their last Activation or shot and then moved at least S to their present position.
Chucker [#] (FL mod)
Be it due to his own personal skills, and/or specialised targetting equipment integrated into his weapon, the character gets + # on Q rolls for grenade deviation (be it thrown or weapon-launched grenades)
Climber (FL)
The character is a climbing specialist. He doesn't have to check for falling when climbing obstacles.
Close Quarters Battle Specialist (FL mod)
A character with CQB is automatically considered to have a better weapon than his opponent during hand to hand combat, unless the opponent also has CQB.
Cool Headed (LW)
Such a character does not have to fire if he is on Overwatch and a target enters his Overwatch weapon distance.
Danger Sense (FL mod)
Opponents do not get any Ambush bonus against this character
Drugs [#] (LW)
Characters equipped with bio-implants can treat themselves as if they were a Medic. The test is made automatically at the beginning of the player's next turn, with a Q equal to #.
If the character is put Out of Action again, however, he is directly Killed in Action.
Eager (FL mod)
The character is eager to please his Leader. He only needs to be in LOS of the Leader to receive +1 Q, no matter the distance.
Engineer [#] (LW)
For 1 Action, an Engineer can remove a Shaken effect from a Robot character he is in base contact with. The Robot can remain prone or immediately stand up.
An Engineer can attempt to heal an Out of Action character with the Robot special rule (see p. 12 FL Rulebook).
An Engineer can also attempt a Quality check to repair a vehicle that has suffered damage. Any successes can be used to assist a vehicle to recover fire control or movement capabilities (following a damage roll of 1 or 2). 2 successes repair a lost special rule (equipment repair), 3 successes repair immobilisation or a knocked out weapon system. Successes must all be acquired during one Activation, they may not be "carried over". No repairs may be attempted on a vehicle that has been Knocked Out.
An Engineer can also spend 1 Action in base contact with a friendly character to repair any malfunctioning weapon or hacked Personal Communication Device.
Fanatic (FL)
Driven by the 'cause', a fanatical character is at +1 Q for any Morale Check and has a +1 bonus in hand-to-hand combat. Fanatics do not make Morale Checks when a friend is killed by Friendly Fire.
Fear [#] (FL mod)
The character instills dread in his enemies. An enemy who wishes to fire on him or charge him must make a morale check on # dice. A target with the Fear special rule can always be ignored for target priorities.
Fearless (FL)
The character does not have to take a Morale Check to fire upon or charge an enemy with the Fear special rule. He also ignores Morale Checks caused by Gory Deaths.
Fireteam (LW)
Although Fireteams are not quite as powerful as Leaders, they tend to supersede them in the Expanse setting, especially among military-trained units. If the group does have a Leader, the Leader cannot be part of a Fireteam. Members of a Fireteam can receive Activations from a Leader but may not, in that case, use their Fireteam capacity during that game turn.
Figures with the Fireteam ability can form Fireteams of two or three characters (maximum). The player rolls one set of activation dice, and all members of the Fireteam receive however many actions their Q entitles them to.
To be considered part of a Fireteam, a character must be within L of another member of the Fireteam, if both have a functioning PCD; otherwise within S. LOS is not required.
Members of a Fireteam can use their actions in any order : hence having received two actions each, Character A might fire, Character B move and engage in hand to hand combat, and then Character A move. They do not have to perform the same actions.
Some or all members of a Fireteam can, by using 1 Action, use Concentrated Fire (FL rulebook, p. 18).
If the Q value of any member of the Fireteam was sufficiently low for 2 failures to have been rolled, the turnover occurs once all members of the Fireteam have taken their allowed actions.
If any non-Robot member of a Fireteam is Out of Action or Killed in Action, all other members of the Fireteam must take a Morale Test. The -1 for no friend within Medium distance does not apply unless the character testing is the last member of his Fireteam.
Flying (MDRG mod)
A character with Flight may freely move over any terrain, but ends each Activation on the ground (including on top of a terrain feature,...). He has line of sight to all characters on the battlefield, except those within forests (or equivalent), inside roofed buildings, underground, or similar.
A Flying character cannot be targetted by Overwatch, except when he takes off. He can leave hand-to-hand combat without suffering a Free Hack, unless the enemy also has the Flying special rule.
Force Field [#] (LW)
A character protected by a Force Field ignores the result of a Ranged Shot as long as the force field is active. A Gone to Ground result inflicts 1 overload, a Shaken result 2 overloads, an Out of Action result 3 overloads and a Killed in Action 4 overloads. If the number of overloads received during a pair of turns (to take into account the effet of Overwatch shots) equals or exceeds the # number, the Force Field has overloaded and the character no longer benefits from it for the rest of the battle. Otherwise, at the end of the enemy's turn, accumulated overloads are removed and the enemy must start from scratch.
A Force Field offers no benefits in hand to hand combat.
Green (FL, mod)
This is his first combat, and a Green soldier may react in different ways to seeing his first casualty. When he first sees a friendly character put Out of Action or Killed, a Green character must take a Morale Check, rerolling any successes if it was a Gory Death. If the character obtained at least one success, he is no longer considered Green for this scenario.
Hacker [#] (LW)
For 1 Action, a Hacker can attempt to jam various enemy systems. He chooses his target and rolls # dice for a Q check. A target cannot be chosen more than once per activation. All effects are immediate and last until the end of the enemy's next turn.
For X successes :
- jam X characters Personal Communication Devices or
- reduce by X the Q of a designated character with the Robot special rule or a Vehicle or
- reduce by X the C of a designated character with the Robot special rule or a Vehicle
If an enemy Hacker is on overwatch, he can use this overwatch to force the player's Hacker to reroll as many dice as his # level.
Hero (FL)
A Hero always automatically passes one die during Activation and Morale rolls. A Hero may also, once per game, reroll any one set of dice or make an opponent reroll any one set of dice.
High-G (LW)
This character suffers no penalties in High-G environments, which occur when a space-going vessel undertakes manoeuvres.
Large (LW)
A Large character suffers no movement penalties when moving through broken terrain or crossing obstacles, although it cannot cross obstacles that are classed as impassable. Ranged combat against a Large target benefits from a +1 modifier.
Leader (FL)
A Leader offers various advantages to his team (p. 18, p. 21 FL Rulebook). In the Expanse setting, however, he is somewhat superseded by the Fireteam capability and many groups will not have a Leader.
Command range for a Leader is L and no LOS is required if both the Leader and the commanded figure have a functioning PCD; if this is not the case, LOS is required.
The characters receiving the group order must be within L of another member of the group, if both characters have a functioning PCD, otherwise within S. No LOS is required.
Lightning Reactions (LW)
Due to sharp reflexes, or specialist tracking devices, when the character is placed on Overwatch (p. 16 FL Rulebook), his Overwatch weapons range is doubled.
Marksman (FL)
The character receives +1 on Combat when taking an Aimed Shot.
Medic [#] (FL mod)
A Medic can attempt to heal an Out of Action character, unless he has the Robot special rule (see p. 12 FL Rulebook). Medics test with Q #.
Momentum (FL mod)
A character with momentum may move into hand-to-hand combat and make an attack as one action. He cannot fire during this action (by using, for example, a Move and Fire weapon).
Night Vision (LW)
The character is unimpaired by environmental conditions such as darkness, smoke or dust.
No Earth-G (LW)
Having spent most of their life on non spun-up moons or asteroids, such as rock-hoppers, inhabitants of Luna or the larger moons of the solar system, or non military Martians, this character suffers penalties in an environment close to Earth-G.
No Low-G (LW)
Having spent most of their life with their feet on Earth or living on a spun-up moon or asteroid, this character suffers penalties in a Low-G environment.
No PCD Personal Communication Device (FL)
Most characters have a communications device which allows Fireteams and Leaders to work within L and not require LOS, but this may not always be the case. A character whose PCD is jammed is also temporarily considered as having this negative trait.
Poor Shot (FL)
The character suffers a -1 modifier to his Combat Value when firing, though not when defending.
Relentless (LW)
The character ignores any Gone to Ground results, but is Out of Action if he receives a Shaken result.
Reluctant (FL)
The character counts as -1 Q for the sole purpose of Activation.
Robot (LW)
A character with the Robot trait never makes Morale Checks. Friends do not make Morale Checks when a Robot dies a Gruesome Death, nor if a Robot in their Fireteam is Out of Action or Killed in Action.
Robots are vulnerable however to enemy Hackers.
Slippery (MRDG)
A Slippery character can leave a hand-to-hand combat without suffering a Free Hack.
Slow (FL mod)
Slow characters use the Short stick when Moving
Sniper (FL mod)
This represents a trained sniper, and does not therefore include all characters wielding a sniper rifle.
Any Aimed Shot (but not Aimed Blow) from a Sniper confers the Fearful ability on the weapon used. A Sniper disregards any targeting restrictions, and reduces the firing penalty due to range by 1 (he can thus shoot out to 3x weapon range with no penalties). A Sniper's Overwatch range is increased to L.
Solitary (FL mod)
Used to working alone, solitary characters do not suffer a -1 to their morale checks if no friend is within Medium distance. They do not, however, benefit from the +1 Q that a Leader gives and cannot be part of a Fireteam.
Sprinter (FL mod)
Once a turn, the character can double one of his move actions. During this double move, the character cannot use a Move and Fire weapon, cannot be targeted by enemy characters on Overwatch, and cannot be shot at by an enemy character he moves into contact with (p. 8 FL Rulebook).
Steady Under Fire (FL mod)
A character who is steady under fire treats a Shaken result as Goes to Ground, if the firer's result was exactly the double of the defender's.
Strong [#] (FL mod)
Thanks to personal strength, drugs or a powerful exoskeleton, the range of any thrown object or weapon is increased by # distance sticks. The character receives a +1 bonus in hand-to-hand combat, and +1 Q for any task requiring physical force (such as bashing down a door,...). The character can carry a load, such as a wounded comrade, without any movement reduction.
Swift (FL mod)
Swift characters use the Long stick when Moving
Unit (LW)
The character is represented by 3 models, who remain in base contact at all times. Each time the character is put Out of Action or is Killed in Action, remove one figure instead; the remaining figures of the Unit Go to Ground. If only one figure is left, it no longer uses the Unit special rule.
As long as there are 3 models in the Unit, Q is at +2. If 2 models are left, Q is at +1.
Weapons Expert (FL mod)
The character can pick up a weapon from an Out of Action or Killed in Action friend or enemy and use it. He can also join a Crew during a battle.
Here is the file to load into the Ganesha Games Flying Lead Squad Builder, which includes all weapons from the Expanse Arsenal, and all Character Special Rules (Edit Special Rules / Load / Replace Special Rules).
-AP Rifle;29;
-Assault Pistol;13;
-Auto Grenade Launcher;19;
-Boarding Shotgun;23;
-CCW Weapon : Basic;1;
-CCW Weapon : Energy;16;
-CCW Weapon : Monofilament;37;
-CCW Weapon : Viral;10;
-Chain Rifle;8;
-Combi Rifle;26;
-Gauss Rifle;28;
-Grenade Launcher;16;
-Heavy Flamethrower;38;
-Heavy Sniper Rifle;42;
-Hyper Rapid Magnetic Cannon;58;
-Light Flamethrower;33;
-Light Grenade Launcher;9;
-Light Shotgun;12;
-Missile Launcher;27;
-Multi Rifle;31;
-Plasma Rifle;37;
-Sniper Rifle;27;
-Viral Pistol;13;
-Viral Rifle;27;
-Viral Sniper Rifle;35;
Body Armour 1;5;
Body Armour 2;8;
Body Armour 3;12;
Body Armour 4;18;
CQB Specialist;3;
Chucker 1;3;
Chucker 2;5;
Chucker 3;8;
Danger Sense;3;
Drugs 2;8;
Drugs 3;5;
Drugs 4;2;
Drugs 5;1;
Engineer 3;3;p;
Engineer 4;2;p;
Engineer 5;1;
Fear 1;5;
Fear 2;7;p;
Fear 3;10;p;
Force Field 1;3;
Force Field 2;6;
Force Field 3;10;
Force Field 4;16;
Hacker 1;4;
Hacker 2;6;p;
Hacker 3;10;p;
Hacker 4;15;p;
Lightning Reactions;4;
Medic 3;3;p;
Medic 4;2;p;
Medic 5;1;
Night Vision;2;
No PCD;-2;
No Low-G;-2;
No Earth-G;-2;
Poor Shot;-2;
Steady Under Fire;5;
Strong 1;2;
Strong 2;3;
Strong 3;4;
Weapons Expert;4;
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