dimanche 17 janvier 2021

Ceres OPA Roster

 ;Ceres OPA
Ceres OPA Agitator;65;4;2;true;-Assault Pistol,-CCW Weapon : Basic,Leader,No Earth-G,Relentless;;
Ceres OPA Hitman;48;3;2;false;-CCW Weapon : Basic,-Light Shotgun,Cool-headed,No Earth-G;;
Ceres OPA-Affiliated Gangster;23;4;1;false;-CCW Weapon : Basic,-Pistol,Danger Sense,No Earth-G;;
Ceres OPA-Affiliated Criminal;8;5;1;false;-CCW Weapon : Basic,Drugs 5,Momentum,No Earth-G;;
Ceres OPA Guard Bot;38;4;2;false;-Contender,Robot;;


Ceres OPA range from hardcore operatives, right down to "street-trash" claiming affiliation and wearing tats to give some luster to their criminal activites.

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